
creating tools & mods

  • 507 paid members

Hi, I'm a software developer. I make game modding tools, mods, and other sorts of software. I've been practicing software engineering and pulling games apart for fun for 13+ years.

I've gotten many requests for a way to donate to me, so here it is. If you like the work I've done and will do, you can support that here. Everything I release is free and open source.

One of my most notable projects is REFramework. It adds:

  • 6DOF VR support to most RE Engine games

  • Various little mods

  • Scripting support for mod developers

  • Modding tools to examine the engine

Currently I am working on a universal VR injector for Unreal Engine games. The goal is to get a minimum of 6DOF support in most games, as well as a plugin system so modders can add motion controls as well.


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