Generative AI Data Subject Rights

This form is where you can submit requests related to your personal information from third parties being used to train Meta’s generative AI models.
In general, personal information is information about you. Examples include your name, home address, phone number or email address.
Information from third parties includes what is publicly available on the internet and licensed information that someone else owns and gives Meta permission to use. This information does not include information from Meta or our products and services.
Generative AI models are computer programs. They use predictions and patterns to create new content. To be able to spot these patterns, models are trained on billions of pieces of data from a variety of sources. These sources may include third parties. When we do get personal information as part of this data that we use to train our models, we don’t specifically link this data to any Meta account.
You should only use this form for personal information from third parties being used to train Meta’s generative AI models. To learn more about your rights related to information from Meta’s products or services, visit our Privacy Policy.
We don’t automatically fulfill requests sent using this form. We review them consistent with your local laws.
Enter your details below to submit your request.

To address your request, we need information about whether Meta’s generative AI models have knowledge of you. Please provide any prompts you entered that resulted in your personal information appearing in a generative AI response. We also need evidence of the response that shows your personal information.